Monday, January 10, 2011

have the best seat in town.

something about having your wedding dinner, as intimately as possible and at a super unique bar/grill/pub gets me every time!

we're doing something similar but were unable to find something as amazing as this couple did in the Fat Badger Pub in London but a place called Piggy's in La Crosse is going to suite me and Jacob just fine:)

Rock My Wedding
isn't the table decor just perfect?! And hellooooo, I'll never put my wine glass down:) All I can picture is me and the ladies and my family and the kids...just having the most chill day and the most chill ceremony and the MOST chill dinner and night ever. And the whole time...I'll be able to sit back with a glass of wine in hand and Jacob at my side!:)

PS. we received these beauties from our GA Friends over Christmas and we love them. Perfect for me - Wine. And perfect for Jacob - a few mixers:)

if you're not able to see...they had our names engraved on them!

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