Saturday, January 8, 2011

i stumbled upon this adorable family while paging through the Lang Photographers blog.

it's no secret that me and Jacob are always back and forth about having children. I know it's something we're going to give a go but doubt that we'll ever feel 100% sure about it...until there's a baby in our arms:)
And we'd LOVE love love to adopt...but that's a whole nother' issue...and financially and time wise...something we can't make happen right away. Disappointing.

but when I saw this family...I couldn't help but feel a huge longing for a big family. I've always had the number 4 in mind when I thought of having kids and that's probably due to the fact that I was raised with 3 sisters. So 4 just seems comfortable to me. But I think 4 scares the shiat out of Jacob, understandably;)

ideally, Jacob would like me to have triplet boys and call it a day:) Silly boy!!

but after seeing these pictures...I've never wanted boys more. A house full of them...for Jacob:)

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