Monday, January 3, 2011

press and seal your pretties.

this struck a cord with me because I actually used to pick flowers when I stayed at my Grammy B's and put them in a little journal and I just loved the pressed flowers. Preserving them. I think at the time I thought I was onto something, like somehow I could make a living putting pretty little flowers in journals and having them come out flat and still pretty:) Ah, the good old days:)

i know that the point of the post on So Happi Together is more geared towards those brides that are investing thousands of dollars on real flowers and bouquets that were put together by a professional. But even though I'm going to a farmer's market and the TOTAL amount that I'll be spending on flowers for my entire wedding (bouquets, decor, etc.) will be aroundddd $100 or less, I'd still love to have something different on the wall, something more unique than a photo of me just holding my bouquet. How about a 'real' part of my bouquet....

and maybe even throw some candid shots of me and the girls at the farmer's market buying the flowers...Courts has the best handwriting..she could make the flower tags...
Just another of a million ideas I have but this could keep me busy during that month between the wedding ('s over) and the honeymoon (YAYYYYYYYYY!!!!).

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