Monday, July 4, 2011

pretty day for La Crosse. I mentioned earlier that me, mom and Gerd went to get some wedding things done on Saturday. And that we did. There was nothing dire that actually 'needed' to be done. So mainly, we just had a nice (non air conditioned...ARG!!) 2.5 hour drive and then just wandered around in one of my favorite cities, La Crosse, WI.

UP we hit up some antique stores where I got a few adorable pieces of jewelry. And also added a few things to my list:
1/ oval mirror
2/ amazing furniture
3/ my own antique store business:)

UP/DOWN we meandered downtown. The weather could NOT have been any nicer!:)

UP me and mom:)

DOWN me and the Gerd:)

andddddd I also got another tattoo. I'm unstoppable at this point;) It's cute and little...YAY! Those are the best. Mostly cause they're over in a second and there's no pain:) But I'll share more of that in another post. Soon. I promise.
And reminds me that I have yet another tat that I've never shared and couldn't be happier about. I'll try to get on this ASAP!!!!:)

POINT: it was a great day in La Crosse and if possible, I'm even MORE excited to marry Jacob. I just know that no matter what, the day is going to be beautiful and amazing and one of the best we'll have together:)

AND thanks to Gerd (and Friend:) in advance for all the random shit they're going to be doing for me on the day of the wedding. Being my little errand girls was just an excuse to get you on the guest list...I am SO happy that you'll be there with me, to see me get married! And having you there to help be my extra hands....I couldn't be more thankful that you're willing to do that:)

i'm gettin' marrrrieddddddddddddd:):)

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