Monday, August 1, 2011

and i thought i had it all figured out...

still having 'thoughts' about the plan for my BParty. Yes. I'm annoyed with myself at this point. I just want it to be what I want and something that doesn't put us all in the poor house...kinda. And something that everyone else will enjoy too. I know that can't always be the I'm just hoping that my 'chill' night out will appeal to everyone and the fact that there's going to be such a great group of girls...I think that'll be what makes it such an amazing night:)

right now:
- we have a that I feel like changing. Crap.
- i have no outfit. Crap.
- and yeah...feeling stressed. Not about this wedding...things have just been somewhat crazy. A great weekend that ended with a bunch of ridiculously sad news and losses and change.
And now I'm exhausted from thinking.

SO to end the night....some BParty inspiration that makes me happy. I know I'll get it together. Give me 24 hours:)

UP Urban Outfitters - adorable banner. A repeat on this blog and a must have:)

UP/DOWN The House of Bachelorette - cute crown and some tasteful buttons for my ladies:)

UP/DOWNnnnn Hallelu - some adorable outfits. YES...the girls have already shut down the idea of a romper but would it hurt for me to order it and just seeeee!? Yay?! Nay?!;)

the dress below looks fun and a bit hippy, which I like. Thinking that since I have less than 2 weeks...I need to take a leap of faith here and just up and order something! NOW!

DOWN liking this color option. Better for future wear:)
for now...I'll be thinking and pulling my shit together and you'll all be the first to know:)

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