Friday, August 26, 2011

love. ADELE.

soooooo. This is how me going to the Adele concert on Wednesday night played out:

REPEAT: Me - ADELE Concert BITCHESSSSS - Wednesday Night

Friend Carrie: (1015 ON Wednesday) Wanna go to an Adele concert tonight?

ME: SHUT UP!!!!!? How? When? Where? How Much? HOW???


ME: Oh my Fucking GAWDDDDDDD. Let me figure something out with work. I'm SO IN!

and then I was going to an Adele Concert:)

UP within 5 hrs. of those texts, I was on my way to St. Paul, MN. 2 hours away from my home:)

luckily it was THE easiest ride in and out of the Cities I've ever driven and yes, I still had to poo from driving nervousness. BUT easy:)

UP/DOWN we ate at an amazing little Italian joint. Great sandwiches. Great even 4 hours later on the car ride home:)

UP the only photo I got of Carrie and I together. BUMMER:( And it sucks. Blah. And the concert was over. Supa Blah.

take note of me shitting my pants in this photo. I'm seriously afraid of heights and for some reason Carrie and I have a trend going with meeting celebrities AND heights. Lauren Conrad anyone?. Frick! She's pretty amused with the situation. But any other's out there, with this height fear thing, feel this intense pulling of their body towards the edge!? I mean...for real...I had to put my phone down because I thought my body may make the decision on it's own to throw it over. WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?

seriously guys. SO fucking glad I went!!!! SOOOOOOOOOO. It was fantastic. Wait. Using the Thesaurus because I promised a coworker I'd come up with new words to use to describe how amazing our honeymoon was when we return:)

wonderful - awe-inspiring - magnificent - incredible

VIDEO ONE: loved her including the audience. Sounded amazing:)

VIDEO TWO: carrie and I have found our calling. And now I have all the dance moves I need to really kill it on the dance floor at our Reception!!!;)


  1. Not gonna lie, this post kinda makes me hate you. It's no secret that I love, Love, LOVE Adele, so I'm pretty damn jealous! Not sure how I managed to miss the fact that she was in St. Paul, damn it! Anyway, I'm in love with the song from the first video, and the audience sounds surprisingly awesome. Glad you got to go and that you had a wonderful time!! :)

  2. Too funny Nae! Yep...I'm for surely not a die hard (which is the class you fall into;) BUT I've got a new found love for her voice!! Always did...but live is EVEN better!:) Hope you get to go SOON!!!!

  3. I'm with Renee a little... Adele is so incredible... and Carrie too for that matter! Maybe I'll share my Karey friend and you can share your Carrie friend! ;)

  4. I LOVE artists who are even better live. Just gives you a whole new appreciation for their work. I'm listening to her at work today. :)

  5. Second Nae... that first song... something!


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