Wednesday, August 31, 2011

paper wins!!!

there was an extra hour of driving - I forgot the Birth Certificates. REALLY???

there were tears and laughter/giddiness that turned to tears - and there was an uncomfortable Clerk of Courts witnessing these 2 RA-tards go through the emotions of getting their...

MARRIAGE LICENSE!!! was bizarre. Both our minds were blown at how amazing it felt to be there and get that super expensive piece of paper ($75 big ones peopleeeee! say whattttt?!?!).
We can legally get married now!

and when she pointed to those 2 spots where our witnesses will sign...holy shit. It just hit home. We're getting married. We're.Gettin'.MARRIED!!!!!!!

to celebrate our legal-ness...we stopped at a bar and grill and proceeded to play a veryyyy competitive game of darts while we sipped on OJ and 7up:)

and then stuffed our faces with amazing sandwiches:)

yep. 8 days and those papers will be signed. And this lady will have a whole new name:)

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