Wednesday, August 31, 2011


the Steam Engine Show is a yearly festivity that my boy's family business participates in every year. They cook food....oh, so good food...for the show:)

and every year...I got out to the Flea Market and spend money on things that make our house a home (aka. stuffed with randomness, which I tell Jacob will look amazing once we live in something bigger than 900 sq. ft.:).

and now...photossssssss.

UP oh yeah...there are tractors there. Weird;)

UP hanging out with the kiddo's.

DOWN the crib that I wanted for our future/nonexistent baby. Why Jacob said no, I have no idea!!!!;) BUT he did promise that once there IS a baby in this belly...we'll go flea market till my face falls off for wonderful, one of a kind baby items. Hello...reason number 320759275790572 why I love Jacob so:)

UP bench that I her down to $60 from $75 but then I realized I needed streamers for the wedding and EVERYTHING that I thought was going to cost x amount of dollars has come in at at least $100 more than that. For real. SO I sold it to my mother:)

DOWN the boy hanging with the tractors:)

DOWN oh, how I love Flea Market jewelry:) Got a few gems over the weekend. Added to my gold bracelet collection.

UP/DOWN there was food food FOOD and I ate my fair share. Man...the ice cream is to DIE for. Maple Nut on a waffle still my heart:) And to be served by this raw ass. Yes. Totally worth it;)

UP the kids had some money of their own to spend and we put that towards some awesome sunglasses. Seriously...they looked freaking kick ass in these!!!:)

DOWN PONY RIDES!!!!! A.Dorable:)

good times were had by all. And the weather was amazing! Posts like these make me feel like we've actually been DOING things this summer. Not far from home...we'll save that for Spain;) But doing things none the less:)

PS. i think today was the last day of summer. Officially. LAME!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. good times & great shots :) love that last one of you two and especially the photo of the new lunch lady ;)


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