Wednesday, September 14, 2011

all in the details:)

holy lord. I'm not sure where to start.

first off. I love Jacob a bit more every day. Since this wedding...I've fallen in love with him more. Tomorrow we will have been married one week. The fastest amount of time that's passed since we got engaged. Sad, really:( But in that time...I've realized it's only going to get that much better from here on out and I truly believe that if you start where we're starting...................awful babies won't ruin that;)

POINT: things are good. The wedding was beyondddd amazing and I'm going to give you a headache with the amount of random wedding posts I post over the next few weeks (or months:)

UP/DOWN we got a handful of Star Wars pokes to put in the cupcakes as well as a ton of buttons. One of my favorite parts of the wedding was how much people commented on our details and not only that...but how much the details were 'US':)

UP/DOWN most details were discovered on Etsy (LOVE). Including this pretty bracelet I wore on Saturday night for the Reception.

UP/DOWN our pencil favors with "the smith's" and "i love you more than beef" inscribed on them. We used them for the guest book also. We have an over abundance of pencils left over, so we've decided Courts won't buy school pencils for the kids for the next few years;)

UP/DOWN the flowers were SO beautiful. And only $30-ish from a local Farmer's Market. They turned out perfectly! And a HUGE thanks to Pigg for doing the majority of the arrangements!!:)

UP/DOWN i loved these straws SO. And then I ordered them. And then I realized I had no where to use them. SO we must have a party in our future that require these festive straws:)

remember above when I was full of all that love shiat?!'s 844PM and I have not ate supper yet and Jacob's not answering his phone and the dog's actually looking incredibly tasty at the moment. Losing love by the second. I.NEED.FOOD. Bring it to me. Read my mind. Know that I want it and bring it. NOW.


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