Sunday, April 10, 2011

birthday boy. NASH.

i know I'm not quitttte as blown away by how fast these little shiats grow as Courts is, but I assume that's only because they're not my own. BUT because I love these guys SO much...I can't imagine I'd ever be too disappointed about not having my own cause they are damn close in my heart:)

Nash Jacob Smith
(get the Jacob in there...ahhhh Jacob and I were SO happy to hear that:)

this little guy is 2 today and lordy. It blows me awayyyyyy. It seriously feels like just yesterday he was born. For does NOT feel like 2 years!! And that's how I know this must get ridiculously hard for Courts...cause it gets harder for me too:)

this boy is a freaking whipper snapper and he definitely lives up to his nick name: Beast
But boy can he make you laugh! I'm laughing just thinking about some of the crazy things he does!! He's cheap entertainment!!:)

Yep...that's my only answer for anything this kid mumbles. Yep/Sure/Yes/Anything you want;)

here's a picture of me and Nasher on my birthday.
and now all I want is for the rest of this miserable work day to be over so I can go hand out some hugs to the kids!!!

Happy 2nd Birthday Nasher Man!!!

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