Sunday, September 21, 2014

the weight of a picture.

do you save your photos? ALL of them? And by all of them...I mean you take photos with your phone mostly and your camera sometimes and then you download them and then you sort them into little folders on your computer - if you're like have a Samsung phone and a Mac computer and they're not compatible and so downloading and sorting photos has become the thing you despise most in this to ankle bumps...cause for REAL...those things are dumb and now I'm puking.

and thennnnn you get on My Publisher and make a photo book every year...since 2009:)

and a separate one for momentous Our Wedding. Our Honeymoon. Homer's 1st Year. And eventually Theo's 1st year and any babies that follow:)

and then there are these adorable Instagram books that I discovered, from Sunnylit Style, that I'd like to try out - BLURB -...I mean...Instagram has become so big in my life that it does deserve it's own yearly book. Eeeeeekkkk:)

i'm not sure what my point yourself, POINT!

i've just been thinking a lot about how deleting photos off my computer will make it faster. MUCH faster - cause it's super important to me to be able to have 17 windows open at the same time;). And after all the books and the blog posts and the yearly books and the yearly IG book and the super special photos that make it up on the wall...what more do I need? 

my stomach gets a little queasy at the thought of deleting any/all photos. If there is no photo...did it really happen?!?! Like that shirt I borrowed out in 9th grade...will I wake up one day and remember one specific event/moment/memory SHIRT and not be able to find it...knowing it existed but no way to find it again?

but another part of me knows I'd feel a huge sense of relief letting go as well. I've done my best to preserve the most important parts of our lives in photos, thus far. But I really do think deleting every year...starting over - AFTER my books are delivered to my door and a separate copy stored safely in our fire-proof safe;) - could be life.changing.  

any thoughts on that? Am I the only one losing sleep over this bullshit?!;) 

the end:)

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