Saturday, September 19, 2015

homer smith goes to school = :) + :(

i'm going to try and write this post without using words that we've told Homer he can't use while in school ever;) It's gonna be hard cause me + emotional = slip of tongue;)

our first born. Homer Nicholas Scott Smith. He started school this week! I can hardly believe he's old enough to be going to school...I mean, he's really not. He's not even 3-1/2 yet but we decided to put him into a Preschool where he'll attend a little class twice a week for only 2-1/2 hours each day. SO very minimal and Jacob and I both really like it that way. He's so young and I don't want him to have to be committed to school more than he has to...yet:) At this point, I think we've agreed, that he'll do this same schedule for the next 2 years and then he'll go right into a full-time Kindergarten:) Eeeeekkkkkkk.

sooooo. Below is the emotional roller coaster that was the before, during and after of Homer's First Day of School!:)

first cut, walk and bath prior to the 1st day:)

1st day of school EVER photos at our house:)

I AM...
3yrs old

a giant boy, like a robot


rowdy and mega

1st day of school family photos at Courts!:)

We were lucky enough that Jacob was able to take a quick break from work to come with us on the 1st day! AND seeing as I ugly cried for an entire hour the night before...I was almosttttt completely cried out for his 1st day;')

these kiddos were so supportive and happy and excited for Homer's 1st Day! 
I mean...we are entirely too lucky to have this family:)

i wasn't sure how Homer would do with us leaving him but he did extremely well! There was some slight hesitation upon getting there but then off he went, playing with the toys and so so we slipped out - with some misty eyes from both mom and dad:') - while he was distracted! I am just so proud of him!!!!

the next drop-off, which I did solo (with Theo) took a bit more effort. This time the jig was up and he knew I'd be leaving. It took a bit to get him in the building...then to take off his coat and hang up his back pack...and thennnnn a conversation and quite possibly some bribing to get him IN the classroom - all the while he was on the verge of a breakdown:/ - but he went!

we've been so lucky to have beautiful weather, so after drop-off, Theo and I go for a nice long walk and then home to get a few things done and then walk back to pick Homer up. Then on our walk home, we walk by the school his cousin's attend and chat with them and then we call dad and tell him ALL about our day. Every.last.detail;)

i wasn't sure how I would feel about this but this new routine, even though it'll be short lived with the baby arriving in less than 2 months, has been great:) 

homer had such a great first day that we celebrated with a walk - or as Homer now calls it: exercise;) - and some downtime outside. It was a fantastic end to the day:)

...luck is believing you're lucky...

lately I've definitely wished we could freeze this time in our lives...just for a little while. I like my babies little and I'm liking them starting a few firsts and I love being pregnant and I love doing it all with this man:) 

here's to a million more firsts...with a million more tears and a wholeeeee lotta love:)

"the older you get, the more you realize that it isn't about the material things, or pride or ego. It's about our hearts and who they beat for."
- R.A.

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