Thursday, April 29, 2010

prettier thigh.

you may remember me mentioning, in a VERY recent post, that I was looking for this specific garter that I loved......
I haven't found it yet. BUT....getting warmer!
this thing is A.dorable and only $40. Again...price is dropping and I'm more in love. BUT how much is too much for a freaking garter? Let us think about this:
1/ one possible photo op. IF I want to be that kinda girl that approaches the photographer and requests that she take a picture of me lifting my dress thigh high...arg. This already doesn't feel like a cool option.
2/ honestly...I can't think of another time that it'll come in handy. I KNOW for a fact, 100% sure, WITHout a doubt...J will not be taking adequate time to appreciate it when we get back to the hotel on our wedding night.
SO $40. Arg. The only one...I'm torn. And EVERY freaking time I'm torn, I don't do it and then I'm kicking myself in the ARSE when I finally decide I shoullllldddd and it's sold. Frick.
This is a huge decision for me and I think I must take as much company time as necessary to stare at it on the Internet and think:)
ETSY (my 2nd love:) - Twigs & Honey by Myra Callan

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