Wednesday, April 28, 2010

you may now be seated.

seating can be SUPER important. Especially in this case...mostly cause the thought of walking down the isle, with all those people staring back at me, makes me feel quite ill. I get stage fright. In COLLEGE (technical:) I was sick for 3 days following a speech. A speech that I'm sure I didn't do very well on.
the above pictures are of a VERY cute wedding on Our Labor of Love (check it it...bookmark it...totally cute:). I like the guests kindaaaa facing each other but then the group behind them sitting straight. Just a fun way to play with the seating.
the next picture is of the space for our wedding. It's kinda awkward cause those beams cut the room in 1/2 and leave the halves long and skinny. arg. BUT either way...the room rocks. So that helps. I don't know...maybe I'm just a straight kinda girl. I like simple lines and keeping it standard mightttt be the way to go. BUT who knew I'd care about seating?!:)

Our Wedding Location - The Pump House Regional Art Center. La Crosse, WI

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