Sunday, May 2, 2010

with all your heart.

since finding this little pic, I'm finding myself MORE and MORE in love with it. Not just the pic but the saying, obviously.

wherever you go, go with all your heart. - Confucius

i thought I had settled on my most recent tattoo idea BUT after repeating this a few times, I'm seriously close to changing my mind.
- 2 min. later...I'm almost positive I've changed my mind!!!!:)

they're just amazing words to live by. Since being with J, I feel like there's more to everything. Arg. Sometimes it's hard to put into words. Like Skittles are not JUST Skittles anymore...they are the most amazing, lovable candy in ALL the land!!!! Being with J.....back with J, after such a time makes every day more clear. I hate to put my new way of seeing the world on J's shoulders but without him....Skittles would just be....Skittles:(

SIDE NOTE: I began this post with my cousin, Neen and her husband, T, in mind. They are currently scurrying around grabbing last minute things and making notes and packing kids and being crazy excited....and they very well should be beccccccauseeeee they are "leavinggggg ON a Jet Plane..." tomorrow afternoon for Italy!!!
I'm drawing a blank, which I seem to do every time I think of what an amazing thing it is to be able to travel to such an amazing place. piacere.

source of picture - unknown

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