Sunday, February 27, 2011

me daily.

overall, we had a fantastic weekend. We accomplished A LOT between Friday and Saturday but after that...nothing. Arg. I may just be in a Sunday funk but being that I only have every other weekend off, if things don't go somewhat as planned, I'm a bit disappointed. Believe me, I'm all for sitting around...BUT there's always 2 weeks from now...then we try again:)

UP/DOWN friday night we headed to the Cities to meet our friends for dinner. We went downtown to Loring Pasta Bar. The food didn't blow our minds but where that lacked...the scenery made up for:)

UP we began Saturday morning nice and early and at Starbucks. I love those mornings:) The plan was to register at Crate and Barrel and then head back to our friends to snowshoe but that never ended up happening...
UP/DOWN here we are registering. Jacob had to take over because for the most part he knows what we really 'need' and I got to help us decide of those things we needed, what I wanted them to look like;)

i had to tear Jacob away from this reminded him of our puppy, Poe!!

UP we had to head to MOA so I could return some things. Unfortunately, but the time we were heading to the mall, the roads were worsening and the amount of people was increasing. It wasn't a great experience and we were in and out pretty quickly. Disappointing:(
UP as we left the mall, we had a couple options. We were considering:
1/ go back to our friends and chill, possibly snowshoe or just stay another night.
2/ jump on the highway and road trip to La Crosse. We had decided earlier we would surprise my sister, Mal, who was down there for the weekend - that was before the weather fricked us.
3/ go home.

home it is. SO we hit the road and arrived home early Saturday night and I honestly don't think I've been out of bed for more than a few hours. This is no fault but my to see if I can salvage what's left of the weekend:)

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