Thursday, March 3, 2011

it's what's up.

oddly enough...I still have a lot of things running through my mind about our honeymoon in Spain. LIKE: what will I pack, when will I pack, what will the shopping be like, will I be able to fit all the awesomeness that I find in Spain in my bag to bring home with me:) ecetera ecetera;)

and then I stumble upon this post:

why I love it:
- SO helpful when it comes time for me to pack
- everything looks SO easy
- this is EXACTLY the amount of stuff we want to be taking with us, no more!
- I LOVE her leather backpack. I want it.

i've actually been following their site for quite some time. I adore it. I adore them. AND I even emailed them with some questions regarding our own honeymoon a few months ago...and they replied. To ME...personally. MY EMAIL! And we're not just talking some standard response. They totally took the time to write this page long thing about the trip and things that could potentially help us on ours. Amazing and just kind:)

check them out. Gorgeous photography and amazing trip!

UP/DOWN this is SO totally going to be me and Jacob. I.Can't.WAIT!!!
oh, legs won't be bowed like hers. That would be Courts;)


  1. LOL at the very last line!
    and I love them too. :)

  2. that's strike 2 better be ready...

  3. I'm not even traveling any time soon and LOVED this post. Totally bookmarked their site for future packing reference. :)

  4. I know Nae, this will be pulled up while I'm packing for Spain:) Courts - Bring IT ON...and I'm not talking a dance off!! - reference to Bring it On, the Movie;)


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