Ruffled featured this amazingly beautiful wedding on their site! It's gorgeous and I love nothing more than something Vintage...anything Vintage...so this wedding is right on my level!
The bride's dress, by Sarah Arnett, is completely unique and that little furry looking shrug looks like something she can continue cuddling with as the years go on:)

and how cute are these little To Do's for the guests?! They sign those great tags and hang them for the couple!
and those table settings look so crisp and pretty and old and perfect. I love the bottle of wine. Having a bottle of wine at each table is a definite must for me. The restaurants insanely overpriced wine be damned, I WILL have the wine.
PS. the restaurant we're having our ceremony dinner at, which is a great restaurant - don't get me wrong;), is charging us aroundddd $23 per bottle of wine and get this...that same wine can be bought at their local grocery store for $8 per bottle. RIGHT DOWN THE FREAKING STREET! Lovely.
Guess we're lucky that over 1/4 of the guests at the ceremony will be under 12 (and hopefully not drinking;), no recovering alchy's - except me but I plan to fall slightly off the wagon that night...and by slightly I mean just dragging a leg or losing a shoe. NOTHING crazy;) - drats!! As for the rest of us...we likes wine. So it's on.
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