Thursday, October 13, 2011


i miss our wedding...our wedding day...the night before...the morning of the day before...the morning of...yep. Pretty much every minute of it:)

we could NOT be happier that my nephew, Peyton, video tapped the ceremony. There are SO many perfect parts of the ceremony that he caught Perfectly and most likely by accident;) But I want to give him hugs every day for getting it all on film for us to have forever:)

i was just watching the end of the ceremony and questioning whether to post it or not. It's probably THE.BEST...hands down...most perfect part of the entire thing and Peyton captured it beautifully (cut to me crying right now thinking about how perfect it is:')...but I'm just not ready to share. It's SO...ours yet:) Someday I'm sure I will but for now I'll just save that for us:)

today's favorite post word: perfect (or some variation of that) - 5 times:)

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