Sunday, September 7, 2014

the Pigg be thirty.

pigg turned

myself turning a year older. NO biggie. My siblings. My children. My familyyyyyy...that stings a little. How is my younger sister 30? 3.0? THIRTY!??!!? Seems impossible!

but...moving on...we.must.celebrate:) 

a few weeks back - August 20 - a few friends, myself and Jacob and my sister and her husband, surprised Pigg where she bartends a few nights a week. We wanted to ring in her 30th year:) I'm so glad we did because we ended up having a really fantastic time and she was really surprised that we came! Ah, genuine surprises are the best!

the group...and Chris pretending to be too cool in the background;)

jacob was more than happy to man the camera for the night - I don't remember asking;).
Overall, I think he did a great job and after sifting through them...I found some real gems!

we discovered that this group wasn't all about getting a 'good one' on the first take. So...try, try again;)

 me, Birthday Girl, Gerdie, Mal

the photo of Mal in the bottom right cracks me up. She thought Chris was still sitting there at that point...nope. Just some random guy shooting pool;)

 BFF!!! I think we've gotten 2 amazing photos this year. Record setters;)

 pigg and I, with her bar Boss:)

my sister is pretty neat. The toughest chic I know. Which is helpful to someone like me...who cries a lot and is mostly soft...about everything. But I've seen her cry...not many can claim that;) And she has 2 freaking kittens. Just so you know;)

i can't wait to see what her 30's has in store for her! Enjoy. Travel. There's so much good to come for this girl in year 30. I just know it:)

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