Tuesday, May 11, 2010

1 hr. at the cabin + 1 milllllion ticks.

here's a little glimpse of our trip to the lake. My aunt and uncle own a great property on the lake and J is in LOVE with it!
it's a 1 hour-ish drive up North and usually I can putz around for a few hours but this day we made it about 1. The bugs were crazy bad, I found a million ticks on me within a matter of minutes, D puked on a rock AND immediately poo'd at the end of the dock (unfortunately J was unaware of this until it was on the bottom of his shoe;)I forgot my book and the ONLY gas station in town didn't sell magazines....so I had to settle for Chewy Sprees and a Butterfinger to pass the time AND both batteries to my camera's went dead within 15 minutes!

needless to say, we did not catch one fish OR get one bite.
That's not to say we didn't have a good time! Any little road trips that involve candy and time alone with J....I'll take it:)

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