Friday, July 23, 2010

jc super star.

breaking news: I'm far from being done with tattoos. Me and Jacob were just talking the other night, while out on a walk, whether at some point in a person's life 'do they just grow out of tattoos'. Or just grow out of getting them. Such as, will I feel differently about tattoos when I have children? IF I have children. Will I just not feel like getting them anymore?! We shall see.

i do know, without a doubt...someday our children will be completely humiliated by our tattoos and probably a good part of everything we've done in our pasts. Me and Jacob were no goodie goodies folks. There's a lot to not be so proud of. BUT maybe we'll get our wish and we'll get a child that never cries and eats it's veggies, naps when they're supposed to, does what they're told and is a complete laid back hippy:) Yes, we're big big dreamers. And maybe that's what it takes to have kids...dreaming about them being the complete opposite of the worst one you know!!!;)

ANYHOO! I think I'm wound tonight cause normally I try to lock up the 13 paragraph posts. BUT getting to the point...once again:
at this point, I'm not done with tattoos and I love the placement of this one. The back of the ankle. I really love the one me and Jacob are getting but have always wanted to get a little JC. And I love that spot. SO you know...I'll probably do it!:)

and NO. JC does NOT stand for Jordan Calmes (Jacob's bestie, who he seriously loves only a TEENY bit less than's very close) OR Jesus Christ (Courtttttt;) although I am liking where that conversation could go.

photo courtesy of Kani Ladies Fashion Blog via Rihanna's body

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