Sunday, February 13, 2011

smith shake.

yes. They did this. In the bar. While out on the town. Ridiculous;)

what you are about to see is the infamous Smith Handshake (the secrets OUT;).
But this time you'll only be getting the backwards version. Yep. They know it the first ridiculous way AND that way backwards. Holy lord.

i'm marrying him and even THIS does not change how much I love him;)


  1. LOVE everything about this!!! And if anything, Casey, this should make you love Jacob even MORE! :)

  2. LOVE this handshake, although I've seen that bad boy done in fastforward speed and it's amazing ;)

  3. We can do it in fast-forward pretty damn quickly, but we're still mastering the double handshake. Someday that one will be done at lightning speed too! :)

  4. Crap. I meant double...not backwards! Oops:) Yes, talent...pure 'special' talent;)


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