Sunday, February 3, 2013

got it. want it. on it.

lately I've been a bit too busy with blog posts and painting my nails (currently:) and trying to keep up with Instagram and Facebook and Twitter that I've forgotten my old friend: Reading:)

i recently ordered a few books for myself and Homer, in hopes that I'd get us all back on track! One of my Hopes for 2013 was to read more...for myself and at least once a day for Homer.

i recently purchased Epilogue: A Memoir for myself and You're Different and That's Super for Homer. I will admit that I only got that book for Homer because of that amazing horse on the cover...and because he came from Jacob and I and that alone is going to make him veryyyyyy special. And I want him to be comfortable with that as soon as possible;)

this post by A Cup Of Jo was what had me adding Epilogue to my cart. I'm a sap for love stories:) I have a feeling it may be a difficult read for me, as I already have a hard time thinking too far into the future and fear (fear, like can't breath) any life without Jacob...but I'm excited to read Anne's story:)

like my friend, Just Dancin' in the Rain, I'm not an expert around the kitchen;) Some may even say that I should stay out of it;) BUT I feel the need to try and am hoping to purchase a new...hopefully, easy to use, cookbook in the near future:)

i borrowed this one from my Friend when I was on maternity leave...8 months ago...HOLY LORD. I finally started reading it last week and it's a really fun read! Reminds me of Tina Fey's, Bossy Pants -  took that on our Honeymoon to Spain and was great for beach reading:)

what are you currently reading? What aren't you reading that you wish you were reading? What's on your reading wish list?!?!:)


  1. these all look great! I downloaded a sneak preview of Mindy Kalings one and really liked it - just never got around to downloading the rest. oops. Fill me in on how the rest of it is!

  2. I'm boring... reading this:

    HOLY LINK! :)

  3. "The Little Blue Truck" currently have it memorized. :S
    Hopefully one of these days in the "NEAR" future (AKA before the kids are driving, I can make it to the library again. LOVE your posts.

    1. Thanks Rachel!!!:) Man...can't wait till summer and walks to the library!!!!!!:):)


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